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Lynn Shelton
Sound Advice

The Weekly Report – February 8, 2021 A former legislator encourages manufacturers to engage with elected officials, while current legislators support GAP funding.

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Lynn Shelton
Check the Locks

The Weekly Report – February 1, 2021 For manufacturers hoping to work with DoD contractors, big cybersecurity changes are coming. 

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Lynn Shelton
Key Investments

The Weekly Report – January 25, 2021 Our consultants are upgrading their credentials to serve a diverse client base.

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Lynn Shelton
The North Star State

The Weekly Report – January 11, 2021 Manufacturers who focus on purpose, process and people can thrive in turmoil.

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Lynn Shelton
Bold Leadership

The Weekly Report – January 4, 2021 Michelle Daggett’s leadership invaluable in trying times.

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Lynn Shelton
Sneak Attacks

The Weekly Report – December 21, 2020 With an increase in ransomware, manufacturers would do well to beef up their cyber security.

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Lynn Shelton
Power Tools

The Weekly Report – Dec. 15, 2020 With a little guidance, manufacturers can fully realize the power of assessments. 

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Lynn Shelton
Re-Minding the GAP

The Weekly Report – Dec. 7, 2020 The legislative session begins Jan. 5; let’s talk about the Growth Acceleration Program.

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Lynn Shelton
Automation is Win/Win

The Weekly Report – Nov. 30, 2020 Employees should be confident that AI and automation represent job opportunities, not job jeopardy.

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Lynn Shelton
Stormy Weather

The Weekly Report – Nov. 16, 2020 Annual survey shows COVID still very much on manufacturers’ minds.

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COVID Uncertainties Cloud Manufacturers’ Outlook

The costs of healthcare, economic and global uncertainty, and attracting qualified workers are major concerns for manufacturing executives.

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Lynn Shelton
Last Call

The Weekly Report – Nov. 2, 2020 The 2020 State of Manufacturing® will reveal surprising data about manufacturing in the COVID era.

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