Automation Readiness Assessment

Helping Minnesota manufacturers understand the automation horizon and implement new technology for best results.

Opportunities for Automation

The ways that automation can be applied in a manufacturing setting are vast.

We recommend that Minnesota manufacturers automate with purpose, which requires a long view while focusing on specific process details.

The Enterprise Minnesota Automation Readiness Assessment is a great way to understand your current state and how to optimize your production processes for best results when automating.

Lowell Inc Laser Robot

Never a one-size-fits-all solution, automation results from analysis of an individual company, its context, and circumstances.

By instituting lean practices, reducing waste, and simplifying the work on the line first, manufacturers should become robust enough to consider possible automation actions.

With an Enterprise Minnesota Automation Readiness Assessment, you will receive a detailed report outlining your organization’s current process state and a full recommendation of actions to be taken prior to implementing automation. You’ll get a clear picture of what it takes to succeed and sustain with automation.

Complete the form below and your local Business Developer will contact you to start a conversation on how Enterprise Minnesota can help you succeed with your next automation initiative.

Get started with an Automation Readiness Assessment

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